NATMAP - National Soil Map - data.gov.uk
NATMAP vector is a vector dataset and is the most detailed of four versions of the National Soil Map. is derived from the National Soil Map for England and Wales and is the product of sixty years...
A - Z street - Collins Bartholomew
Our A-Z Street raster map data offers full seamless coverage of England and major parts of Wales and Scotland at a scale of 1:19,000. This iconic dataset is known for its look, clarity and level of detail at street level.
LandIS - Land Information System - National Soil Map - NATMAP
NATMAP - the National Soil Map of England and Wales More than 200 man years of fieldwork went into the creation of the National Soil Map. Redigitisation in 1999 resulted in a new vector data set with full urban soil linework and accurate registration to …
Public Geodata for the UK - OSGeo
Aug 15, 2013 · Data – Digital boundaries for UK administrative and statistical geographies. Format - ESRI shapefile, MapInfo, KML and other formats. Licence – http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/geography/beginner-s-guide/licences/index.html. Cost – Free. Comments –. Link - https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/geoportal/catalog/main/home.page.
Soilscapes England & Wales (UK Soil Observatory, Cranfield)
Jan 23, 2018 · Using the Soilscapes web mapping service, it is simple to build up a good understand of many fundamental soil-landscape processes for any region across England and Wales. For more information about soils and soils data please visit the LandIS - Land Information System www.landis.org.uk
Published soil maps (Great Britain) | UK Soil Observatory | UK …
The published national soil maps of England, Wales and Scotland have been created by the National Soil Resources Institute and The James Hutton Institute. These maps were derived from soil survey campaigns of various scales, carried out over several decades.
The soils of England and Wales - UK So
Select an option from the list below to view high resolution images and data about soils across England and Wales. The national soil and soil properties maps for England and Wales have been developed by the National Soil Resources Institute (NSRI).
Download United Kingdom Administrative Boundary Shapefiles …
Hello GIS enthusiasts, IGISMAP has now published the latest GIS vector data of United Kingdom administrative levels. Links for downloading the shapefiles of the important administrative divisions of United Kingdom are provided in the following. You can also download these data in KML, GeoJSON or CSV formats. Note:
LIDAR Map of England and Wales, built with UK open data
UK lidar map of England and Wales, built with open data from England's Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales. Zoomable lidar map, with location search and 3D view generation at any point. 2D and 3D renderings free to share and …
LiDAR viewer | DataMapWales - datamap.gov.wales
The LiDAR viewer map shows the LiDAR data available for Wales. Tile availability and information for the Historic LiDAR Archive and Welsh Government LiDAR can be found by toggling the visibility for each layer on or off by clicking on the eye icon next to the layer name in the left-hand panel and then clicking on the area of interest on the map.
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