Fish Species Found in Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Fish Species information is provided in one of two formats: a PDF, or a user-friendly species profile with tabbed webpages designed to include photos, sounds, sign, range maps, comments on management and research, and much more.
Species - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska has 32 species of carnivores, more than any other state. Most of Alaska’s fish and wildlife populations are considered healthy. In the rest of the nation, more than 400 species are listed as threatened or endangered.
Species Found in Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species information is provided in one of two formats: a PDF, or a user-friendly species profile with tabbed webpages designed to include photos, sounds, sign, range maps, comments on management and research, and much more.
Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory (AFFI) - Species Reported in …
Alaska Freshwater Fish Inventory (AFFI) Species Reported in Alaskan Fresh Waters
Special Status Species, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Alaska's state and federal special status species information such as endangered, threatened and more.
Alaska's Animals, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Nearly 1,100 vertebrate species regularly occur in Alaska. Although no one has an exact count, thousands of invertebrates are also thought to live in diverse marine, aquatic, and terrestrial …
Species Profile - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Black rockfish are an opportunistic predatory fish that typically feed in the water column on zooplankton, Dungeness crab larvae (Cancer magister/ syn. Metacarcinus magister), and fish species, such as herring (Clupea harengus), sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), and Puget Sound rockfish (Sebastes. empheaus). However, they may also feed on ...
Species Profile - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
General information about Sheefish in Alaska such as description, life history, range, habitat and more.
Six pelagic species of rockfish are often found mid-water in schools, close to rocky structures. These Pelagic Rockfish: fish are moderately long-lived (most fish are 7-30 years old).
Species Profile - Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Burbot are a relatively long-lived and slow-growing species. In Alaska, burbot older than 20 years are not uncommon. It typically takes burbot from five to seven years to reach 18 inches in length. This is also the length at which most Alaska burbot spawn for the first time.