Man" film and animated "Sider-Verse" sequels, can their now-defunct villain spinoff plans find box office hope in the future?
Kraven the Hunter secures rotten record for Sony’s Spider-Man series - The poorly performing SSU has reportedly been nixed ...
Kraven the Hunter's early reactions suggest the movie is doomed because Sony refuses to learn one important lesson.
Verse' take center stage as Sony decides to shelve their supervillain spinoff plans amid multiple box office flops.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson struts and scowls through Sony’s haphazardly-assembled franchise nonstarter "Kraven the Hunter." ...
The review embargo for Kraven the Hunter has just lifted but what are critics saying about the final movie released under the ...
The new superhero adventure, Kraven The Hunter, is the sixth addition to Sony's Spider-Man Universe, or SSU, and has naturally garnered hype.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson is a certified Hollywood hunk, and he has been since way before he joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe ...
Ariana DeBose, who plays Calypso in Kraven the Hunter, wants to see her co-star Aaron Taylor-Johnson face-off against ...
As Kraven the Hunter reportedly brings down the curtain on the SSU, I won't be shedding a single tear over the failed Marvel ...