Crowds are seen at Sydney International Airport in Sydney, Thursday, November 14, 2024. Australians trying to fly home from ...
In the Filipino culture, it’s common for parents to have a significant say in their child’s future, including choosing a ...
國會議員索思威克(David Southwick)在墨爾本的阿達斯以色列猶太教堂(Adass Israel Synagogue)被縱火一事後的社區團結集會上,擁抱一名猶太社區的成員。 Source: AAP / Diego Fedele/AAP ...
失業率數據在11月重新下降,令經濟學家和市場大跌眼鏡,可能影響明年初的基準利率調整。 此次失業率下降對央行在2025年初減息如同當頭棒喝。 Source: AAP ...
Australia was among 158 countries supporting the resolution, which also called for the release of hostages held by Hamas.