Recent increases in seawater temperature have been predicted to induce a poleward shift in the distribution of marine ...
Personality disorders, violence and antisocial behaviour: updated systematic review and meta-regression analysis ...
Biorefined perennial ryegrass press cake as an alternative feed for dairy cows in late lactation and during the dry period: a ...
Accelerometer-derived movement behaviours and risk of mortality among individuals with pre-existing depression: prospective ...
Knowledge of trends of pollutants released into the environment is very important for interpreting the observed trends in ...
Franco De Crescenzo [Opens in a new window], Riccardo De Giorgi [Opens in a new window], ...
In this article, I provide a brief account of my first decade of involvement in European science policy, of what I believe ...
Department of Addictions, King's College London, UK Department of Psychosis Studies, King's College London, UK South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK ...
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