Constantin Bucuroiu, president of ASIAA: "25% of employees in subordinate factories of Romarm are retirees" *45% - the level ...
The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, stressed the importance of respecting fundamental rights in strengthening democracy ...
Global tourism is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 8.8% of total global emissions in ...
Yesterday, the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) ruled on the appeal filed by AUR leader George Simion against the ...
Water contamination with "perennial pollutants" is exceeding regulatory thresholds in Europe, exposing the environment and ...
Nvidia, the leader in returnsThe American technology company Nvidia Corp. is the best-performing stock in the S&P 500 stock ...
The Ministry of Education announced the signing of financing contracts through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for projects won by universities that will train teachers in ...
La patru zile după ce preÅŸedintele sirian Bashar al-Assad a fugit din Å£ară în Rusia, nici el ÅŸi nici cineva din anturajul său ...
Consiliul JustiÅ£ie ÅŸi Afaceri Interne (JAI) a anunÅ£at astăzi, 12 decembrie 2024, finalizarea unor progrese semnificative în ...
România traversează o perioadă de instabilitate politică ÅŸi socială, marcată de alegeri fără o majoritate clară, anularea ...
Consilierul de stat Laszlo Borbely a fost reales în funcÅ£ia de preÅŸedinte al ReÅ£elei Europene de Dezvoltare Durabilă (ESDN), ...
Uniunea NaÅ£ională a Transportatorilor Rutieri din România (UNTRR) salută decizia istorică privind aderarea României la ...