A hapū-iwi group wants to close access to Te Whara/Bream Head to stop people walking over their wāhi tapu or culturally sacred land. The Bream Head Scenic Reserve in Whangārei Heads is managed by the ...
The largest IMPB collective Te Manawa Taki Iwi-Māori Partnership Board came together on Friday for a pivotal regional hui hosted by Te Tiratū IMPB that represents a Māori population of 114,990, making ...
Kaumātua Rore Stafford, centre, and customary witness Trina Mitchell, left, at the Wellington High Court for Te Tauihu. Photo / Mark Mitchell Crown Law has two primary purposes, according to its ...
The National Iwi Chairs Forum (NICF) has made a formal submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, urging the international body to scrutinize New Zealand’s legislative developments ...
A Marlborough iwi has been unsuccessful in its challenge of a council bylaw restricting vehicle access on the east coast. The East Coast Vehicle Bylaw, which came into effect on 1 July, 2023, aimed to ...
A Whangārei based hāpu are going back to court for the latest in a legal saga spanning about 30 years. In December last year the Environment Court quashed consents for a housing development on land ...
A historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament yesterday. Confiscated under raupatu by the Crown ...