Has it made a demonstrable difference to Ulster-Scots and the lives of Ulster-Scots people? No. Is there a long pile of deliveries that have appeared because we have it? No. "The fear in this ...
According to the 2011 census, 8% of Northern Ireland's population claim some knowledge of Ulster-Scots - just over 140,000 people. That included 13% of Protestants and 3% of Catholics. Just over ...
Ernest Blythe was born in 1889 into a unionist farming family with an 80-acre farm close to Magheragall, near Lisburn.
Mills and weaving factories sprung up over Belfast and surrounding towns and many people, Ulster-Scots included, poured into the area from the countryside looking for work. These people who moved ...
A new short folk-horror film based on a north Antrim legend has been screened at a US film festival. The Witch of Glentow, by director Tristan Crowe, debuted on Saturday at the Standing Rock Film ...