Proposed changes to the Northwest Forest Plan could endanger old-growth forests in California and the Pacific Northwest.
In one of the largest deals to protect open space in the Bay Area over the past decade, an environmental group is purchasing a scenic redwood forest in the North Bay that will create a 7-mile-long ...
To process her grief, she drives from New York to California’s Redwood forest to escape the big city and her feelings. There, she befriends two arborists who let her climb a towering Redwood ...
The show calls upon the ethos of the Redwood forest and everything they represent- their root system and how they sustain each other; their interconnectivity. It's a wonderful metaphor for how we ...
where she stumbles on a redwood forest. Enamored by the trees' majesty and mysticism, she ingratiates herself with scientists Finn (Michael Park) and Becca (Khaila Wilcoxon), who begrudgingly show ...