Despite their lack of hotels, the Pitcairn Islands may intrigue tourists with their new International Dark Sky Sanctuary title, which recognizes the island group’s sanctuary—named Mata Ki Te ...
As of July 2014, only 48 people call the Pitcairn Islands and their stunning rocky cliffs home. Back in 1789, British sailors in the Pacific mutinied on the HMS Bounty and settled on Tahiti and ...
Consisting of four separate tiny islands - Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno - the Pitcairn Islands are scattered over several hundred miles of ocean. Its inhabitants are mostly descendants of ...
Pitcairn's oldest person is 87-year-old Irma, pictured here on her motor bike. This is Emily, one of 8 children on the island. Pitcairn's youngest person is 3-years-old. Next year two teens will ...