An elderly woman whose husband was shot dead more than 50 years ago has been turned down for a Troubles’ pension despite a ...
Emma Little-Pengelly has spoken of her recollections of a shocking Troubles-era advert that traumatised Northern Ireland, ...
"Mum had to scoop two wet children out of the bath, wrap us up as best she could, and get us out of the house. I remember those kinds of things. Looking back now, it's almost crazy to explain it to ...
In episode seven, Christine Lampard opens up to Nadia Sawalha about life growing up in the Troubles in Northern Ireland and ...
The Troubles was an ethno-nationalist conflict which began in the 1960s and was fought between nationalist and loyalist ...
A Nobel Peace Prize winner from Belfast has pledged not to eat for 40 days in protest of the ongoing war in Gaza.
Last night, both wings of the IRA denied being involved in the murder or the weekend robbery at the sub-post office in which ...
The Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains confirmed the remains exhumed in Co Monaghan are not those of ...
The Government is to seek a judicial review of a coroner’s finding that the SAS was not justified in killing four IRA men at ...
The veteran is accused of shooting dead Patrick McVeigh in an incident in Belfast ... outside Laganside court in Belfast ...
By 1972, Cahalane was also one of the Irish Republican Army’s most successful international gunrunners, ferrying rifles and ...