The proportion of first-time buyers in England and Northern Ireland who will need to pay stamp duty will double from April, ...
A new map shows the rate of alcohol deaths in different parts of Northern Ireland and which areas are impacted by it the most ...
Please contact [email protected] if you wish to receive the overview document in any of the languages listed. Working with Canadian and international partners from ...
Seven in 10 of smokers and vapers have puffed away in places where it's against the rules, with parks and train stations proving to be popular places ...
It is the fourth consecutive year that a record number of alcohol-specific deaths, including health conditions such as ...
The number of booze-related deaths in the UK has reached a record high, with the North more likely to be affected than the ...
The 26.2 mile route is an incredible tour of the city illustrated on the medal, passing through all 4 areas – North, South, ...
Our interactive map shows the parts of the country with the biggest problems with drink after 10,473 people in the UK lost ...
This dropped to 24 deaths in 2023 and the borough is now ranked 17th in England and Wales, but still the second highest in ...