Outdoor gear, especially for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding, can be a big investment. If you’re looking to ...
The 4-year-old girl who, deputies say, witnessed her father gunning down her mother, her grandfather and a neighbor recounted ...
A statewide Amber Alert has been issued for a 12-year-old girl believed to have been taken out of Florida by her mother's ...
Aleah Conrad, a missing child who was the subject of a Florida Amber Alert, has been found safe in North Carolina, according ...
The records include information about a tipster and text messages between people police believe have information.
O’Bryant Degree, second from right, walks with friends along North Carolina Highway 18 during a walk to commemorate the 25th ...
An Amber Alert was issued on Wednesday after a 12-year-old Florida girl was declared missing over the weekend, according to the FDLE.
Despite a decade of speculation, rumors and unanswered questions, the couple, both 40, said they remain firm in their faith ...
The Point Bridge was there for about a week, the crew fishing death and loss from the ocean. The older men with families struggled at times. One crew member said he could no longer gather remains and ...
Get ready to see what happens when the student body president decides to ditch class.
A Netflix documentary series visits the disappearance and death of the travel vlogger, whom officials say was killed by her ...
Also in this week's blotter, Beachwood police investigated a report that a woman had been assaulted by a former friend at ...