Looking for a visually spectacular destination within easy reach? Jo Kerrigan lists some staycation options that will stay ...
The Prehistoric Pile Dwellings Around the Alps in Switzerland was just named the most stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site ...
From Lough Derg Way to the Gobbins Cliff Path, these walks will let you see the beauty on the island of Ireland up close and ...
Residents of Northern Ireland are being encouraged to explore the wildlife on their doorstep after a new survey revealed 46 ...
WXCharts' data suggests the blizzard will spiral over the British Isles from midnight on April 9, with some areas set to ...
Scotland will have snow cover in southern parts of the islands, as well as precipitation over other parts, like the capital ...
Snow sweeping in across large parts of the UK could leave a blanket of white in some areas as advanced weather modelling maps ...
In his beautiful book Wild Waterways, Robert O’Leary details the rich diversity of wildlife that lives along Dublin’s River ...
A secret map of Ireland's coastline played a crucial role in taking down a powerful alliance of pirates that had based itself in the southwest of Ireland in the 17th century.
There are currently five Center Parcs in the UK: Whinfell Forest, Sherwood Forest, Longleat Forest, Elveden Forest, Woburn ...
This page links BBC Teach geography content to the objectives of the National Curriculum for England at KS1 and KS2.
Explore the contrasting stories of Ireland’s Eye, a striking Irish island, and its namesake in Canada, once a thriving ...