EXCLUSIVE: A leading member of the Defence Select Committee has warned fighting age Brits should expect to be conscripted if ...
Government said it was 'not considering conscription' but that future decisions would respond to a 'new reality' ...
The attacks on foreign assistance & USAID are already having life or death consequences for millions of people globally, cutting off critical food, water, medicine, sanitation, and more.
Some 700 million people around the globe live in extreme poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $2.15 per day. Ending that poverty, one of the United Nations’ Sustainable ...
She was a teenager who had just arrived in Finland as an exchange student when an older woman insulted her on a train. That experience wouldn't be the last. "Why don't you leave the country?!" a ...
"The absence of key officials at the G20 finance meetings further underscores the diminishing commitment to global poverty reduction at a time when it's needed most," said Dirk Willem te Velde ...
The poverty line is established to determine the minimum income a person or household requires to fulfill their basic needs. However, that amount, the income necessary to satisfy one’s basic ...
A new documentary finds that those anxieties are especially high in some of Russia's neighbors on the Baltic Sea, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Russia invaded one of their neighbors, so it was ...
Millions of people would be pushed into, or deeper into, poverty under Republican proposals that Congress could consider this year. A range of spending cuts and other proposals that House Republicans ...
Or sign-in if you have an account. OTTAWA — The government’s fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent.
The government's fiscal watchdog says a guaranteed basic income program at the federal level could cut poverty rates in Canada by up to 40 per cent. In a new report, the Parliamentary Budget ...