Councillor slams unauthorised East Belfast Airbnb making profit of £19,000 in eight weeks amidst massive housing waiting ...
An East Belfast landlord has had an HMO application refused at City Hall despite council officials recommending approval.
Calls are being made for new legislation to regulate short-term holiday lets after a house in East Belfast was advertised online at a cost of £19,000 for ten weeks.
A financial services firm based in the Cayman Islands is investing £1.2m in Northern Ireland as it opens an office bringing 12 new jobs.
The 26.2 mile route is an incredible tour of the city illustrated on the medal, passing through all 4 areas – North, South, ...
Hotel and leisure group Andras House has acquired a Travelodge in Belfast city centre for £8.75m. Andras House was established in 1981 and the business has an extensive portfolio ...
A huge barrage of snow will sweep across the Atlantic and hit 13 cities across England in March, according to weather ...
A Belfast-headquartered asset-based lending specialist has completed a management buyout (MBO) of the business, bringing it back into full local ownership.
An investigation has been launched following an assault in east Belfast on Wednesday evening. The horror attack took place at ...
WHSmith is the latest retailer to bid farewell to brick-and-mortar sites this year, and there will be more to follow.
BRITS have been told to brace for eight inches of snow just before the temperature rises up to double digits. Parts of the UK ...