After a few glasses of wine-bar hock he was tottering homewards when he saw a notice for cathedral evensong. He slipped ...
The Renaissance artist’s frescoes in Orvieto, Italy’s San Brizio Chapel comprise dynamic, monumental and fiercely realistic ...
New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment, offers so many wonderful experiences for families. They run the gamut from historical to ...
The Episcopal bishop who in January angered President Donald Trump has a deal for two books for young people. Both are based ...
News-Herald boys basketball all-stars, led by the Clark Kellogg award winner, Cornerstone Christian’s Quinn Kwasniak ...
Considering a city break in Austria? With the Austria Hotel Collection a long weekend stay in central Europe never looked so good ...
Born Mary Flannery O’Connor on March 25, 1935, Flannery wrote two novels and 32 short stories before dying from lupus in 1964 at 39. She dropped the conspicuous Catholic “Mary” when she became a ...
A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, the American conservative intellectual Rod Dreher, recently in France ...
If you want delicious, cheap food, surrounded by the most beautiful architecture and landscapes there is no reason not to ...
Seán Kelly James Harpur has long made a virtue of doing the unexpected. His latest release, The Gospel of Gargoyle, a series ...
Today Show anchor Jenna Bush Hager is not only a lover of reading books, but she also has a passion for writing them. She has teamed up with her twin sister, Barbara ...
There are few buildings in New York City that have witnessed more Irish American history than Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral on ...