Cloud, Terra, and a handful of other Final Fantasy heroes are going to be available in Magic: The Gathering Arena.
Kingsroad, players will experience a brand-new story as they take on the role of a new character, who, through a quirk of fate, becomes the heir to House Tyre, a small noble house in the North. In ...
Kingsroad is set in the world of Westeros and promises to include many iconic elements from the titular show. Game of Thrones ...
Each year GDC surveys north of 3,000 developers for its State of the Game Industry report, so while this isn’t the entire industry by a long shot, it does provide a window into the shifts of the ...
The first season of A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is based on the first novella in Martin's series, "The Hedge Knight," which chronicles how Dunk and Egg meet at a tournament in Ashford Meadow ...
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. So said Cersei Lannister to Ned Stark in the first season of HBO’s hit fantasy drama series Game Of Thrones. It’s a memorable line ...