Coffee grinder had years of history etched into its surface. With cracks repaired by an expert from the Austro-Hungarian Empire era, the restoration aimed to preserve its authenticity. Rust was ...
This European capital city has a tumultuous history and was the site that sparked the outbreak of World War 1.
Almost three years to the day since Russia invaded Ukraine, President Donald Trump accused Ukraine of starting the war. He ...
From Habsburg Spain to Trump’s America, there’s no escaping the consequences of spending more on interest payments than on ...
The Green Line is a meandering boundary that stretches across approximately 500 kilometers, and it lies at the heart of many ...
Polish goth rock emerged from the shadows of punk and new wave, blending haunting melodies, poetic despair, and theatrical ...
I heard, ‘Oh, well, we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for three years. You should have ended it - three years. You ...
Poor Brutus, remembered in history as the epitome of treachery and an ungrateful parricide! In 44 BCE, this staunch republican, son of Julius Caesar’s ...
Kathy Kohner Zuckerman was at home in the Pacific Palisades, her husband Marvin working on the computer in his office, when a ...
A 14-year-old boy was killed in Saturday’s attack and five other people were wounded, police said at a press conference. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said the 23-year-old Syrian man arrested ...
The pieces are in place to deal a decisive blow against Iran and, by extension, its Russian and Chinese compatriots.