Stanford University A Conversation with Neil Postman on Democracy: Does the Television Make Us Stupid?      Winston Lee Mark ...
I am trying to understand where we are with democracy in Nigeria. I have searched through the books to find a version of ...
When a father becomes a gambler and his obligation to his family takes the secondary place in his mind, he is no longer a man ...
Athens' Long Walls prompted distrust and eventual war 2,500 years ago. Nato is the most obvious 'Pericles Wall' of our times Much has been said about Thucydides' trap, but few talk about Pericles' ...
But Aristophanes didn’t retreat. Instead, he came back harder with ‘The Knights’, a scathing follow-up that satirised Cleon ...
Greek parliamentarians meet with community leaders and officials in Sydney, pledging improvements in consular services and ...
Greek Americans Kostas Alexakis and George Logothetis along the National Hellenic Society honored in Washington, DC.
Shockingly, it has been a little under two months since President Trump took office. In that amount of time, he has put ...