While scientists largely reject doomsday scenarios often propagated by religions, various scientific researches have ...
Great news has emerged from Victoria, Australia, as a once-extinct fish, the olive perchlet, has been released back into the ...
Learn how the extinction of dinosaurs around 66 million years ago caused seeds to grow larger, filling in an important piece ...
When people arrived on the shores of Aotearoa New Zealand and began to turn the land to their needs, they set in motion great changes.
Fossil evidence from North China suggests that some ecosystems may have recovered within just two million years of the ...
Innovative advances in DNA sequencing are making it possible to revive extinct bird species like the dodo, great auk, ...
In just the last decade, the U.S. has officially declared five species extinct, marking a tragic loss for biodiversity. Once ...
In the sixth mass extinction, the so-called "Anthropocene extinction", species are disappearing much faster than would happen "naturally" - namely ...
The rare Highland nymph, also known as the Alpine coffee moth, is on the edge of extinction in Scotland due to loss of ...
It was planted in 1954, part of a worldwide distribution of the species that was formerly believed to be extinct.
The Highland nymph, or Alpine coffee moth, is on the edge of extinction due to loss of mountain willow habitat, experts have ...
We need immediate, science-based action to ensure African Penguins don’t become just another love story lost to extinction ...