Amaranthus hybridus is one of the most common wild greens and grows profusely in poor soils, requiring little watering or attention. There are many varieties — green or red, tall, prickly or ...
In the UK, the most seriously affected hellebore is the oriental hellebore (Helleborus x hybridus), although similar symptoms have been seen on other species. Usually, emerging new spring growth is ...
Amaranthus hybridus, Saga (Spider Plant) - Cleome gynandra, Kunde (Cowpea Leaves) - Vigna unguiculata, Mrenda (Jute Mallow) - Corchorus olitorius, Nderema (Vine Spinach) - Basella alba ...
New chromosome-level genomes have been published for three troublesome Amaranthus weed species: Palmer amaranth and redroot and smooth pigweed. The advancement represents a major leap in ...
Chromosome-level assemblies of Amaranthus palmeri, Amaranthus retroflexus, and Amaranthus hybridus allow for genomic comparisons and identification of a sex-determining region. Plant J.
We addressed these questions with genomic data from 19 agricultural populations of common waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus), which we show to have undergone a massive expansion over the past century ...