1953 Wharton graduate Ernie Beck, arguably the greatest player in Penn men’s basketball history, died on Thursday at the age ...
MARIANA MARTINEZ is a College sophomore from Bogotá, Colombia. Her email is [email protected].
GLADYS SMITH is a College sophomore from Williamsburg, Va. Her email is [email protected] .
Have top stories from The Daily Pennsylvanian delivered to your inbox every day, Monday through Friday, when Penn classes are in session.
Merch, anywhere, is a status symbol. For alumni who are years out of college, a Penn crewneck becomes a proud symbol of their ...
Columnist Samra Lulseged critiques how Penn’s self-segregation culture and adherence to social norms deepens the divide ...
Columnist Piper Slinka-Petka encourages Penn students to connect with Philadelphia through supporting its sports teams.
Guest Columnist Greyson Forster explores how Penn can encourage its students to explore Philadelphia. Credit: Roger Ge. We ...
Columnist Piper Slinka-Petka argues for the implementation of a mandatory first-year course that critically examines the ...
Columnist Samra Lulseged identifies how Wharton's narrow professional culture suppresses student individuality, limits career ...
Columnist Ingrid Holmquist argues in favor of a more humanities-focused curriculum in social sciences as a remedy to the ...
Interim Penn President Larry Jameson’s first year in the position was marked by heightened campus activism, labor organization, and continued administrative policy changes and fallout.