Crowds are seen at Sydney International Airport in Sydney, Thursday, November 14, 2024. Australians trying to fly home from ...
In the Filipino culture, it’s common for parents to have a significant say in their child’s future, including choosing a ...
國會議員索思威克(David Southwick)在墨爾本的阿達斯以色列猶太教堂(Adass Israel Synagogue)被縱火一事後的社區團結集會上,擁抱一名猶太社區的成員。 Source: AAP / Diego Fedele/AAP ...
失業率數據在11月重新下降,令經濟學家和市場大跌眼鏡,可能影響明年初的基準利率調整。 此次失業率下降對央行在2025年初減息如同當頭棒喝。 Source: AAP ...
Australia was among 158 countries supporting the resolution, which also called for the release of hostages held by Hamas.
兩家採礦業巨頭被控容許不安全的工作場所,據指女性在這些工作場所面臨騷擾和歧視。 兩家礦業巨頭因性騷擾指控面臨集體訴訟。 Source: AAP / Richard Wainwright ...
Australia has struck a deal with the Pacific country that will see the NRL feature a PNG side from 2028, but it comes with a catch.
Hầu hết nội dung của chúng tôi chỉ có sẵn để phát trực tuyến trong nước Úc do vấn đề bản quyền.
Hầu hết nội dung của chúng tôi chỉ có sẵn để phát trực tuyến trong nước Úc do vấn đề bản quyền.
Swedish detective Kurt Wallander investigates a series of murders in the south of the country, near Skane, and uncovers ...
在澳大利亚,双子座流星雨堪称年度天文盛宴。尽管今年月光的“干扰”或让流星雨略显黯淡,但仍有数小时的黄金时段,让你一睹流星雨的绚丽风采。 Source: Getty / NurPhoto 在澳大利亚,双子座流星雨堪称年度天文盛宴。尽管今年月光的“干扰”或让流星雨略显黯淡,但仍有数小时的黄金时段,让你一睹流星雨的绚丽风采。点击 ▶ 收听完整报道。 点击 ▶ 收听播客。 快通知身边的观星达人,本周末,一 ...
2024年12月12日(周四)午间:维州高考成绩今日公布,学生可通过门户网站查询自己的成绩(收听播客,了解详情)。 本期新闻要点: 维州高考成绩今日公布 41名考生获得满分; Meta公司多平台出现故障 全球用户遭服务中断; ...