A monthly round-up of news, blogs, offers and events.
If you are looking to film or record at The National Archives, please complete an online filming application form. Although we aim to accommodate your request, demand is high so we do reserve the ...
Errors in parliamentary papers are rare but there are services available to help correct a document appropriately. If an error or omission is noticed after a ...
To mark LGBTQ+ History Month, The National Archives brings to you the first instalment of a new online broadcast event: History Mysteries! Join us as we go on an adventure to uncover the mystery ...
In a petition which I was recently allowed to send you from Holloway Prison, I called your attention to a matter of injustice connected with the sentences passed on suffrage prisoners at Bow Street ...
Harvington Hall (HH) is working with dedicated volunteers to catalogue its three archive collections and rehouse them in archival grade storage. HH consulted several archival specialists to develop ...
The financial side of the Plan may be represented as redistribution of national income and part of the increased cost would arise in any event owing to the rising age of the population, but it will be ...
The Prime Minister to-day opened Britain’s first motorway, the Preston By-pass, and so made highway history. This high-speed road for motor traffic only forms the first completed part of the future ...
While respondents reported that their archives were open most weeks of the year, they were only open for 21 to 22 hours a week on average, the equivalent of three days out of seven. This inevitably ...
Inviting responses The survey was open to responses between 8 January 2024 and 15 March 2024, to give people an appropriate amount of time to respond. Visitor numbers While respondents reported that ...
This data will help to prove the value of archives, both locally and nationally. It also helps archive services to benchmark their work. This survey enables sector leadership organisations in each of ...