Given the recent upsurge in Zeta Global shares, we analyze its current position to determine whether investors should play it or let it go.
Amid the Omnicom-IPG merger, here are a few lessons that The Office can teach us about managing marriage of different ...
A deal of this magnitude will have implications far beyond Omnicom and IPG. Agency heads tell us what they think of the ...
The Publicis CEO has hit back and had his say on the merger that stole his agency’s thunder last week.
With thousands of press releases published each week, it can be difficult to keep up with everything on . To help journalists ...
Specifically, the Trump antitrust department, Federal Trade Commission, and FCC will likely vet the Omnicom-Interpublic tie ...
IPL merger may drive efficiency and innovation, it could also disrupt client-agency relationships, lead to job losses, and ...