Fincantieri Marinette Marine’s Board of Directors approved Jan Allman to assume the duties as FMM’s CEO beginning this week. Current FMM CEO Mark Vandroff is returning to Fincantieri Marine ...
MARINETTE - A familiar face has returned to lead Fincantieri Marinette Marine's naval shipbuilding operations. The board of directors for Marinette Marine, a subsidiary of Fincantieri Marine Group ...
Fincantieri Marinette Marine, an American arm of the storied Italian shipbuilder, had just won the contract to build the Navy ...
Fincantieri Marinette Marine serves as one of the U.S. Navy’s defense contractors, including a $1 billion contract signed last May. Fincantieri manufactures ships in Marinette, Green Bay and ...
When a Wisconsin shipyard won the contract to build a new class of navy frigate in 2020, the project was meant to address an ...
The U.S. Senate on Monday voted to confirm John Phelan as the next Secretary of the Navy.
FFG-62s are being built by Fincantieri/Marinette Marine (F/MM) of Marinette, WI. F/MM was awarded a fixed-price incentive (firm target) contract for Detail Design and Construction (DD&C ...
whose home state of Michigan borders the Wisconsin yard that’s building the frigate, questioned Phelan about the program underway at Fincantieri Marinette Marine. Peters asked Phlelan if he ...
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