Linking Denmark and Germany, the Fehmarnbelt will carry two-lane road highways under the water in both directions, plus two electrified rail lines ... land mass like the Channel Tunnel ...
Once complete, the bridge will connect the city's most popular trail at a long-overlooked corner of the lake. A nearby ...
We now have all the evidence we need that building new freeways is not the solution to traffic congestion in the harbour city ...
C an you really see the best of Sequoia National Park in just one day? We set out to find out. Living only four hours away, we planned a fast paced itinerary to hit the must see s ...
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the filmmaker and anti-AI activist offers a dark vision —  and a different path ...
Oconee County was a stop on the proposed rail line. It would connect Walhalla ... "It's also a monument to defeat. It's a tunnel to nowhere. It's a road to nowhere. It's a thing that died." ...
A direct SR 509 Expressway is set to open in October, connecting I-5 to Burien after years of construction near I-5 and the ...
Motorists may have noticed trees being cut down on Millsboro Road near the Discovery School ... The Trimble-B&O Connector Trail is connecting through the tunnel to the existing Richland B&O ...
Main Roads WA first released a detailed concept plan six years ago, proposing a sunken freeway in the middle of Orrong Road, creating an open-air tunnel that ... identified trees and urban canopy ...
But mention it I must! Because as we all remember, Breath of the Wild was the first big-budget, third-person, open world ...
A BRAND-NEW train operator is hoping to launch services between the UK and Europe, offering ‘competitive fares’ for ...
Amtrak has a temporary route called "the Floridian." So instead of driving to South Florida, I took a 15-hour round-trip ...