At the current pace, hunger and extreme poverty rates show little ... West and Central Africa in 2024. Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad were the most affected as Mali, Sudan and South Sudan experienced ...
New government figures show TB reported cases jumped by 13 per cent last year, their fourth consecutive yearly rise ...
I’M OFTEN ASKED WHY AFRICA MATTERS. It’s an understandable question in a world of real responsibilities, real demands, and ...
To conquer poverty requires actions—at the local, national, and global levels—to expand poor people's opportunities ... where poverty had fallen sharply, and Africa, Latin America, and South Asia, ...
But Trump has surpassed Reagan and Bush in consolidating the Republican dominance down the ballot in the states he’s solidified at the presidential level ... more kids in poverty and more ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Gov. Mike DeWine wants to send more help to parents, and sports teams. But that would come at the cost to ...
BOTANISTS have found a stand of rare trees in Zanzibar not known to grow wild anywhere else in Africa. The intsia trees ...
Africa is experiencing a troubling surge in severe lived poverty, reversing hard-won gains from the past two decades, ...
The results indicate that material deprivation is at its highest level since the ... in reducing severe lived poverty, others, including Nigeria, Namibia, and South Africa, have seen sharp increases.
In South Africa, a household gets 6,000 litres of free water a month. For a family of eight, this falls below the global ...
South Africa is one of only 52 countries that guarantee access to water as a human right. "Access" from a human rights perspective means that water is physically accessible, clean and safe for ...