Polish people living in Kent have explained why they remained in Britain after Brexit despite 200,000 of their fellow ...
Over half of social housing in 16 parts of the UK has been allocated to migrants, according to new figures. The data was ...
Prospective homeowners in Kent ’s most affordable borough still need to earn over £53,000 a year in order to be able to ...
Britain could be hit with further snow in March as weather forecasters warn of a new cold spell after the surprise wintry ...
The third month of the year has so far brought with it somewhat milder air and warmer temperatures, but that could all be about to change.
Millions of Brits across 11 UK counties look set to bask in near 20C heat in just a few weeks. This weekend, Brits were ...
Snow maps show a downturn in conditions around Thursday, March 13, with areas across the south of England set for a dusting.
Pictures showed people wearing life jackets coming ashore in Dover, Kent, after disembarking from a Border ... (PA Graphics) The arrivals come as the UK signed a “road map” agreement with France on ...
The UK could be hit with further snow in March, with March 23 earmarked as a date for the next blitz of the white stuff.
A sunny and mild weekend looks set to give way to a return to wintery weather conditions with snow expected across Wednesday.
There are plenty of breathtaking views of this fine county of ours but, I believe, I know the most impressive. One that burns ...
Global real estate firm Avison Young UK has been appointed by the University of Kent as a strategic advisor to bring its Northern Land Holdings in Canterbury to ...