Steve Cockney Sr. spent much of his youth participating in traditional Inuvialuit games. Today, the Inuvik-based Elder dedicates significant amounts of time to teaching a new generation of young peopl ...
Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are attending Winterlude this year to celebrate their culture with an ice sculpture called 'The Happy Dance.' It depicts a drum dancer surrounded ...
Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are at Winterlude this year. They are creating a sculpture of an Inuit dancer surrounded by a circle of animals to celebrate their culture.
In this paper, Natasha Lyons examines the social memories Inuvialuit elders, who recall aspects of their lives in the early to mid-twentieth century. Social memory refers to the process that a ...
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation announced Wednesday it's launching a pilot project to help beneficiaries pay for medical escorts if territorial benefits don't cover one. Courtney Keevik ...
Panikpak Letitia Pokiak is from Tuktuuyaqtuuq located in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, of the Western Arctic, NWT. As an Inuvialuk, she was raised traditionally on Inuvialuit nunangat, which ...