Check with your hotel concierge for more information on route ... To reach nearby islands like Hvar, Brac and Vis, travelers can take a ferry from the terminal located within walking distance ...
From the hotel it was just a short walk to the beach ... I visited Korčula on a sailing trip around Croatia, where we visited lots of islands including Hvar, Šolta and Vis. Korcula is the sixth ...
Unforgettable Croatia says Australia is now one of its fastest growing markets making up one in five guests onboard its ...
Þetta er yndislegt gamalt hús og við nýtum allar vistarverur mjög vel, hvern einasta fermetra, líka undir súð. Þetta er gamla ...
Almyrkvi á sólu, sem verður á jörðinni þann 12. ágúst á næsta ári, mun vara lengst á Látrabjargi. Þetta er ástæða þess að ...
Hlaðvarpsstjórnandinn og athafnakonan Selma Soffía Guðbrandsdóttir og Axel Clausen matreiðslumeistari og eigandi Umami Sushi ...
A portfolio offering an eclectic selection of stunning properties, Welcome Beyond, the design-minded accommodation expert, ticks a myriad of boxes to suit your holiday requirements. From remote cabins ...
Split, though a travel destination in and of itself, is also a jumping off point for seeing the nearby Croatian islands of Hvar, Brac, Solta and Vis, among numerous others. And travelers can see ...