We update our fish fry guide weekly, so if you’re craving pollack to pierogi, Our guide includes almost 50 dinners set across ...
The village is partnering with the Millersport Lions Club to host a Community Dinner on Saturday, April 12, at the Lions ...
Fish, spaghetti and Swiss steak dinners as well as Taylor Hicks in concert and Dine with Presidents on this week's ...
One of the notable fish fries in Detroit, the parish will have only one fish fry dinner this Lenten season. A buffet-style ...
Erie Catholics gather and welcome friends to sit down for Lenten dinners. Here is a list of when and where to find dinners in ...
The Lenten season is beginning for Christians around the world which means the return of fish dinners around the area. With ...
• The Rochester Area Knights of Columbus will be offering fish fry dinners every Friday during Lent, from March 7 through ...
With Lent starting this week on Ash Wednesday, the Knights of Columbus at Catholic churches in Rancho Bernardo and Poway are ...
The Diocese of St. Petersburg has a list of parishes and schools in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus ...
Fish fries take place every Friday during the Lenten season unless otherwise noted. Ancient Order of Hibernians: 5-7 p.m.
The News-Herald asked readers to share their favorite fish fries in the Marshfield area and dozens of readers responded.
Lent. It is the season in which Christians throughout the world take part in a variety of rituals and practices which lasts ...