Friends and family have planned a public-health-focused event in honor of a recently deceased and long-time MEMS Ambulance ...
Saving lives is a legendary act. Kentucky Blood Center (KBC) is asking for local legends to rise to the occasion and donate ...
Family, friends, and first responders in Arkansas are grieving the loss of one of their fellow paramedics who passed away ...
The drive will be held on Wednesday, March 12, from noon until 4 p.m. in the Bloodmobile at the parish's Public Works Department.
Once you click, you can plug in your zip code to find a blood donor center or bloodmobile near you. A thousand thank you's from KOMO 4 and Bloodworks Northwest for scheduling your donation.
Blood rolled in the streets at the Georgia State Capitol on Thursday — the LifeSouth Bloodmobile, to be exact. While some lawmakers and ...
The results are in on the Suncoast Saves Blood Drive. ABC7 partnered with Suncoast Blood Centers, Carl Reynolds, and 360 Orthopedics for the drive. The numbers are in. We are thrilled to report that ...
Allen Theatres Blood Drive, 1-3:30 p.m., 900 Trans Lux Drive (in the Bloodmobile). To make an appointment, contact Vitalant: (877) 258-4825 or Black Velvet (Larry Carver and Nina ...
ROCHESTER — The American Red Cross Minnesota and Dakotas Region is offering free A1C testing for blood donors in March. One-third of people lack access to regular primary care in the U.S., where ...
The Petersham Lions Club recently held its 19th annual charity curling tournament and raffle fundraiser on March 22. The ...