U.S. President Donald Trump will personally announce the Pentagon's decision on a next-generation fighter jet contract worth ...
Despite earlier concerns about shifting priorities and budget constraints, the Pentagon is slated to soon announce its decision on a next-generation fighter jet contract.
Questions are mounting in Canada and in Europe over whether big-ticket purchases of high-end U.S. weaponry are still a wise ...
Some websites on retired Maj. Gen. Jeannie Leavitt, the Air Force's first female fighter pilot, and the World War II-era ...
Leadership of the U.S. Air Force and Navy have recently pitched to President Donald Trump their future fighter plans, as the ...
The ageing Learjet is set to be replaced later this year, with the Department of Defence having signed a contract for a ...
Trump isn't happy the future Air Force One 747 fleet may not be delivered before he leaves office in 2029. He'll be stuck ...
The autocratic spectacle of Duterte’s presidency should be a warning to the United States. Protesters hold a candlelight ...