Locally owned stores have unique ways in which they engage their communities and, ultimately, invite others to Christ.
Parish in 1997, NCR uncovered the groundbreaking ministry of Fr. James Callan, a priest whose daring vision would soon shake ...
For three weeks in January, 25 seminarians and two leaders from The St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul traveled and prayed in the footsteps of the seminary’s patron saint in Greece and Turkey, experiencing ...
Two young men from Italy to be canonized this year still prove that holiness is not just for saints, according to a panel ...
Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, hosted the meeting on the theme, ...
A leading African priest says Africa’s history can be explained as “a history of extraversion and violence,”- the idea that ...
COMMENTARY: ‘Hope,’ which is not what it claims to be and is less than it ought to be, nevertheless gives glimpses into how ...
Catholics cannot confine their faith to the liturgy but must fully engage and dialogue with the culture that surrounds them, ...
Evangelizing through culture is a challenge for the church, especially in societies where faith is seen as "something alien," participants said at a Vatican-sponsored discussion on faith and culture.
As the Church commemorates 100 years in South America, early Chilean Latter-day Saint pioneers share stories of faith that ...