Dwarf evergreen shrubs can help to elevate even the smallest of gardens. Adding structure, texture and color wherever they ...
The snows have been heavy this winter. It even snowed in Florida. As winter drags on with snow piled up more than knee-deep ...
Salt River Project hydrologists usually traipse into the high country to measure snow this time of year. The problem is, there isn't any.
Despite the frigid temperatures and white blankets we experienced in central Ohio, plants and insects are expected to survive.
Kim Jewel with GroundMasters met up with Denver7 to explain what we should be doing in our yards during the winter months.
Winter can be a challenging season for your landscape, with many struggling to survive harsh conditions. From extreme cold to heavy snow, a variety of winter injuries can affect your trees and shrubs.
Two topics which seemed to be top of mind for many gardeners visiting the show related to whether or not this winter’s cold and snow have harmed landscape plants, and if cold temperatures will ...