Despite the decline in birth rates, Vietnam remains in its golden population period, where for every two working-age individuals, there is one dependent. As of mid-2024, Vietnam's population had ...
To see what I am talking about, look at the population pyramid for Vietnam. This shows a high birth rate producing ever rising numbers of consumers to buy more products, generating a rising tide ...
Vietnam is considering relaxing its two-child policy. According to news reports, there is now a concern about the nation's ageing population, with the Vietnamese health ministry reportedly ...
Vietnam welcomed 3.96 million foreign arrivals in the first two months of 2025, a 30% year-on-year increase but still lagging ...
citing the Vietnam Population Authority under the Ministry of Health, as reported by Xinhua. The decline in birth rates has been steady over the past few years: from 2.11 children per woman in ...
Illustrative image The Central Office of the Communist Party of Vietnam has issued an official notice regarding the Politburo’s review of the implementation of Resolution 21/2017 on population policy ...