Mills and weaving factories sprung up over Belfast and surrounding towns and many people, Ulster-Scots included, poured into the area from the countryside looking for work. These people who moved ...
The new Stormont commissioner for Ulster Scots will not be required to speak the language – unlike their counterpart for Irish. Despite the advert for the £79,000-£89,000 role appearing in ...
Awarded a Distinguished Research Fellowship in 2014, his work on Ulster-Scots writing and book history has been recognised as internationally excellent. As director of the Centre for Irish and ...
The head of the Ulster-Scots Agency has said that the lack of requirement for the new commissioner to speak the language ‘reflects the reality’ of where it’s currently at. Ian Crozier ...
Some 700 people have attended Mourne Presbyterian Church in Kilkeel for the funeral of Ulster Scots activist Maynard Hanna.