Stretching across northern Chile and southern Peru, the Atacama is the driest non-polar desert on the planet. With its ...
Patagonia, a huge region that Argentina and Chile share is an adventure tourist's paradise. Famous for its breathtaking ...
The desert offers a unique hiking experience, thanks to its dramatic rock formations and vast valleys. Trekkers can explore narrow canyons, climb towering cliffs, or simply enjoy the breathtaking ...
La joven estudiante de 29 años se encontraba haciendo trekking junto a una amiga, pero desapareció en circunstancias que se investigan. El hecho habría ocurrido luego que, por la inexperiencia ...
Guestroom at Tierra Patagonia in Chile. At the buffet breakfast, guests are decked out in the latest hiking gear, ready to answer the sirens’ call. I spy a Russian cohort in head-to-toe Chanel ...
Andrew Delmenhorst, founder of Pygmy Elephant and leader of a local team of 10, has spent years exploring Patagonia. Recently ...
Most travelers say that the actual hiking is less challenging than combating Chile's heavy gusts of winds. One TripAdvisor user suggests, "Allow 4 nights [and] 5 days for the "W".
El grupo Kaufmann, representante en Chile de la marca Mercedes-Benz, entre otros negocios, está en proceso de adquirir una participación controladora en la empresa de arriendo de camiones y maquinaria ...