Jack Jones, 25, was cutting down an 80 ft high beech tree in Chester, Cheshire, when it fell beneath him and Jack fell 50ft ...
The American beech tree, a slow-growing species with tightly grained wood, plays a crucial role in supporting wildlife during ...
A 120-year-old weeping beech tree in a popular Isle of Wight park has been completely removed, as more details are revealed about its successor. The historic tree was advised to be felled after a ...
A new disease, named for the tell-tale symptoms that appear on foliage, is killing American beech trees. Beech leaf disease was first spotted in northeast Ohio in 2012 and has since moved into 10 Ohio ...
slow-growing Beech was extremely popular among large landowners who know the species as ‘the queen of trees’. Many fine specimens survive on estate parklands and can be up to 30m tall and ...
Nonetheless, the 70-foot-tall copper beech in downtown Westwood is having its moment. The Kissing Tree was designated by the state last month as a Champion Tree, putting it among New Jersey's tallest.