It was here, on July 14, 1789, that revolutionaries stormed the infamous Bastille prison, a symbol of the tyranny of the ...
A diplomatic war of words erupted after French politician Raphaël Glucksmann suggested that the United States should return ...
A decade later, in January 1793, during a significantly different revolution in France itself, Louis XVI was paraded through Paris and beheaded. "Ten days later," notes the Mount Vernon website, ...
The newly created Legislative Assembly wanted to spread the revolution across Europe. In April 1792, France declared war on Austria. The war went badly, and Louis XVI was blamed. Accused of ...
It's a short letter that hasn't yet been published on their website but that has heralded a minor revolution in a highly codified sport. The French Gymnastics Federation (FFGym) has told its clubs ...
They would eventually find themselves at war with revolutionary France. Britain would be part of this attempt to stop France. It was determined to stamp out the spread of the dangerous ideas ...