Residents in Great Smeaton, near Northallerton, have claimed that a 'contentious' housing estate is 'damaging' the wildlife.
A HEDGEROW in Carlisle can be removed as part of a major project for the city Cumberland Council planners have ruled.
According to the Woodland Trust, around 118,000 miles of hedgerows disappeared in that time. While the loss has slowed since the 1990s, neglect, damage and removal remain big threats. Study co ...
The report states: “If a hedgerow qualifies as important the council must, unless satisfied that the circumstances justify its removal, issue a Hedgerow Retention Notice. “If the hedgerow does ...
Larger field size means more space to grow more crops. Loss of hedgerows leads to a loss of animal habitat, which leads to a loss of biodiversity. Increased yield means increased profit for farmers.