Fortunately, the warship's Phalanx Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) was able to destroy the missile in flight. It was a close call, but it was also a far more cost-effective means of destroying the ...
Phalanx is the only deployed close-in weapon system capable of autonomously performing its own search, detect, evaluation, track, engage and kill assessment functions. Phalanx also can be ...
Destiny 2 fans have discovered a secret "annoying" buff that is overwhelming players and desperately needs fixing.
Destiny 2 fans fear that a newly discovered annoying stealth buff is intentional from Bungie rather than a bug.
Destiny 2's Episode Heresy has done a lot of things right, but players have noticed an odd change that makes the endgame ...
Destiny 2 players notice that the developer has possibly introduced a new secret buff for one of the game's enemies in the ...
Destiny 2 players believe Episode Heresy may have secretly buffed Taken Phalanx foes as they’re now much harder to kill.