Members of Cairde Palestine unfurled banner close to Belfast Docks, one of a number of actions on Tuesday by Pro-Palestinian ...
Your organisation Catalyst Arts realised the hugely ambitious project “The Disappearing Wall” and organised workshops. Could you explain what Catalyst Arts does, what it works on and who’s part of it?
SEVERAL hundred people have attended a rally in support of West Belfast MLA Gerry Carroll, after threatening far-right graffiti targeting him appeared on a wall in Andersonstown.
Announcing Saturday’s march, an IPSC spokesperson said: “Join us as we March on the US Consulate in Belfast and send a clear message that Ireland stands with Palestine.” Schoolbags and white ...
A driver attempting to evade officers during an early-morning police chase in Belfast hit three parked cars before crashing into a wall and fleeing on foot. Police say the individual was then ...