One of the few female chief executives of large companies in the north, has taken full ownership of a major Mercedes-Benz ...
Up to 600 homes could be bought by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) over the next three years to be used as ...
Up to 600 homes could be purchased by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) over the next three years to be used as ...
Public sector leaders have urged the Stormont powersharing Executive to turn optimism about its return into “bold decisions” ...
The Housing Executive is set to buy a number of homes to be used as temporary accommodation in a bid to reduce B&B use and ...
The Housing Executive plans to buy up to 600 properties over the next three years in a bid to reduce the soaring bill for ...
"In 2023-2024, around 4,700 households were in temporary accommodation, compared to 1,700 households a night in 2017" ...
Emma Marley, who has been with the company for 17 years, steps into the role having served the last three years as chief ...
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive needs enhanced borrowing powers and sustainable funding to prevent a two-tier housing ...
Pauline McKeating (48), who has been with the company for over 25 years having started as an assistant accountant, completed ...