Luckily, it's easy to tweak your cursor with simple settings to make it bigger, brighter, and faster. While changing your ...
you can change the double click speed of your mouse. You will see a cursor that you can drag and change the double-click speed. You can check the speed simply by clicking the double-clicking test ...
We all lose our cursors on our Macs from time to time. While there are solutions to speed up your search, this new menu bar ...
To change the default color of your mouse cursor, repeat the first three steps described above, then click on the Mouse pointer style tab to expand it. After that, you will see four options ...
(Image credit: Mauro Huculak) Click the Apply button. Click the OK button. After you complete the steps, you can start using the mouse pointer with the speed you specified. How to change mouse ...
it can make your cursor seem buggy or less accurate. This is especially true if you try to make a slow mouse go much faster. How to change your mouse DPI on a PC Click on the "Start" menu and ...
The GlassOuse is a bluetooth mouse that's worn like glasses. Based on your head movements, it moves the cursor onscreen. You bite on a blue extension to click, and it can go a week without charging.