She had. It was a message in a bottle, handwritten under the letterhead “United States Navy, Amphibious Training Base, Little Creek, Virginia.” The date on the letter: “3/4/1945.” ...
"It really was like a scene out of Indiana Jones." Historian Mike Hume has been a long-time donor to Edinburgh, Scotland's ...
On the Treasure Coast, one former fifth grader's message in a bottle, sent out over 16 years ago as part of a school project ...
It was a letter. Flament-Smith and her family cracked open the bottle on Wednesday, she said, and found a thin piece of paper dated “3/4/45” and addressed to “Lee.” The letterhead was from ...
She had. It was a message in a bottle, handwritten under the letterhead “United States Navy, Amphibious Training Base, Little Creek, Virginia.” The date on the letter: “3/4/1945.” ...
When Connie Jaynes reached for a bottle she found on the beach near her home on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts, she thought she was picking up trash. But much to her amazement, what she had ...
Stephen MacLennan of Rochester holds an engagement photo of him and his late wife of 40 years, Mai MacLennan, who died at home on Christmas Eve from cancer. "You get a string of miracles that keep ...
A woman finds a romantic letter in a bottle washed ashore and tracks down the author, a widowed shipbuilder whose wife died tragically early. As a deep and mutual attraction blossoms, the man ...
What he didn't realise at the time was that he may have stumbled onto evidence of Australia's earliest recorded message in a bottle. The article included a transcript of the original letter and ...
The recovered bottle was one of about 150 student messages ... who contacted Heller per his instructions in the 37-year-old letter. The family mailed the letter back to Heller to his home in ...