The organization is partnering with Western Technical College to have field trips throughout the school year for School ...
The team used sound wave, known as seismic, data to reveal Ice Age landforms buried beneath almost 1 km of mud in the North Sea. The results, reported in the journal Science Advances, suggest that ...
Hi I'm Bella, and I live here on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset. Like coastlines around the world it is made up of different landforms. Coastal landforms are created through processes such as ...
New fieldwork and map analysis show that the fluvial landforms and landform evolution of the river are controlled by the tectonic structures of the southern plateau. The history of the Yaluzangbu ...
Moreover, we will explore the potential impacts of climate change on these processes and landforms. The course equips students with methods to analyse and forecast landform changes and sediment ...