In addition, however, he received a 1,000-acre property in Co Fermanagh that included the island Ballymacmanus ... first woman Deputy Lieutenant in Northern Ireland in 1987. She amicably sold the ...
On March 1, 1981, Bobby Sands, an Irish Republican Army (IRA) prisoner in Long Kesh, began a hunger strike ... the independent Republican MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone, Frank Maguire, died ...
Even more encouraging is the confirmation that the Long Kesh Commissioners are leaving ... its grim cages and compounds when that happens. Irish News editorial calling for the British government ...
but has now been extended until 1pm A number of key routes have been closed as strong winds hit Northern Ireland Co Fermanagh - the Pettigoe Road in Kesh is obstructed by two fallen tree this ...
Drumrush B&B in Kesh, Co Fermanagh, and Ballylough House in Bushmills Co. Antrim are also set to appear. The Castledawson Inn kicks off the programme’s week in Northern Ireland when their ...
A long throw-in from right-back Nigel Beacom was flicked on by Wilson inside the Strathroy half and Ryan Campbell took two touches before laying off to the oncoming Wilson, and he pushed his way down ...